
This is an overview of publications and presentations by Leon Korving of AIFORO.



Korving L.D., Optimisation of additives in flue gas cleaning of sewage sludge incineration, VDI Technikforum Betriebsmittel in der Rauchgasreinigung, Bremen, November 7 & 8 2011. Download.

Korving L.D., Recycling of phosphate from waste water in The Netherlands, presentation at the 7th BMBF Forum on Sustainability (FONA) in Berlin, November 2-4 2010.

Korving L.D., C. Schilt, W. de Jong, Reduction of nitrous oxide emission by a smaller air to fuel ratio in a large-scale sewage sludge fluidized bed combustor,  Proc. of conference Waste Management & The Environment V, eds. V. Popov, H. Itoh, U. Mander, C.A. Brebbia, WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, Vol 1 , WIT Press, pp 43-55, 2010, ISSN 1743-3541 (on-line).

Schipper, W.J., Korving, L., 2009. Full-scale plant test using sewage sludge ash as raw material for phosphorus production. In: Ashley, K., Mavinic, D., Koch, F. (Eds.), International Conference on Nutrient Recovery from Wastewater Streams Vancouver, 2009. IWA Publishing, London, pp 591-598, ISBN: 9781843392323 (on-line here).



A. Dekker, M. Oosterhuis, L.D. Korving, E. Rekswinkel, Zwavel in de rioolwaterzuivering (Sulfur in sewage water treatment), H2O, 21-2011, pp 51-53.

STOWA, Slibketenstudie II. nieuwe technieken in de slibketen (Sludge treatment II, emerging technologies), report 2010-33, ISBN 978.90.5773.507.3, (Leon Korving contributed as member of the steering committee ).

Korving L.D., Zuiveringsslib: kostenpost, energiedrager of grondstof? (Sewage sludge: cost factor, energy source or resource?), WT-Afvalwater, 2010 (2), pp 126-137.

B. Reitsma, B. Geraarts, L.D. Korving, A. de Man, Hergebruik fosfaat uit ijzerarm slib van rwzi’s is kansrijk (Perspectives for reuse of phosphate from low-iron sewage sludge), H2O, 2008 (2), pp 52-55. Download.

STOWA, Slibketenstudie (Sludge treatment technologies), report 2005-26, ISBN 90.5773.314.5, (Leon Korving contributed as member of the steering committee ).